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New SunSpec software application verifies solar item conformity to IEEE grid interaction needs



New SunSpec software application verifies solar item conformity to IEEE grid interaction needs

Mar 11, 2021 09:02 AM ET

  1. To speed up the delivery of Distributed Energy Resource (DER) technology such as solar and also storage space products that follow IEEE 1547-2018, the UNITED STATE national criterion for DER, the SunSpec Alliance has launched the SunSpec SVP Dashboard examination platform to its 125 member companies.

SunSpec SVP Dashboard is a Microsoft Windows application that confirms DER devices for compliance to IEEE 1547-2018 communication needs, including the SunSpec Modbus interface. These needs were mandated for the first time in the 2018 version of the IEEE 1547 standard, offering the capacity for energy grid operators to from another location regulate DER systems to enhance grid health and wellness as well as expand grid ability. Study indicates that state-level interconnection regulations for solar and also energy storage will call for compliance with IEEE 1547-2018 starting in January 2022.

Supplied solely as an advantage to members of the SunSpec Alliance, SunSpec SVP Dashboard displays as well as controls any type of SunSpec Modbus-enabled gadget on an ad hoc basis. Instances of SunSpec Modbus-enabled tools include inverters, batteries, meters, trackers and environmental sensing units.

The SunSpec SVP Dashboard internet browser-based interface utilizes all standard SunSpec device information models, including those for IEEE 1547-2018 DER tools. Key functions consist of a computerized Protocol Information Conformance Statement (PICS) generator, a DER simulator as well as a web-service application program user interface (API) for combination with internal software application examination harnesses. SunSpec SVP Dashboard with these capabilities is available to all SunSpec Member companies free of charge.

For an added fee, SunSpec members may acquire a “Plus Pack” that adds an automatic test suite for SunSpec Modbus Accreditation screening and also Modbus protocol evaluation features to SunSpec SVP Dashboard. This Plus Pack remains in beta up until April 15, 2021. Plus Packs for IEEE 1547.1 as well as Energy Monitoring System (EMS) useful screening are prepared for future launch.

“Early examines indicate that SunSpec SVP Dashboard will shave weeks from product development, testing as well as third-party product recognition routines,” claimed Tom Tansy, Chairman of the SunSpec Alliance. “We look forward to dealing with our members to increase bench on product top quality as well as accomplish the full interoperability we have actually been pursuing,” Tansy wrapped up.

The release of SunSpec SVP Dashboard accompanies the ratification of the SunSpec Modbus “700-series models” standard for DER. This criterion has gone through extensive testing and evaluation for the past one year and also will certainly transfer to APPROVED standing pending a last comment duration that wraps up on April 15, 2021.

SunSpec Modbus 700-Series Models supersede the SunSpec Modbus 100-Series Models that were first presented in 2009 and also signify the culmination of virtually ten years of research and development by software application as well as electric design experts around the world.



North America

Tom Tansy




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