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Solar Hot Water Heating
FAFCO is the oldest thermal company in the United States, with a 40 year history of innovation, FAFCO is the pioneering leader in solar water heating. Start enjoying the benefits of solar water heating.
Reduce your energy bills.
Longer Lifespan due to fewer moving parts.
30% Federal Tax Credit.
Free Energy from the sun.
5x more efficiency than Photo Voltaic.
Extends the expected life of your residential hot water tank by dramatically reducing scaling.
Solar energy protect you from rising utility costs.
Dramatically reduce water heating costs.
Use free heat from the sun.
Clean, fast professional service.
Made in the USA.
Attractive financing available.

Benefits of Solar Hot Water
-------------------The more you spend on electricity,
the more we can save you.
-------------------We can help you lower this, and lock in
low rates for years to come.
-------------------We have to do something about this.
Get a free consultation now.
-------------------This is way too high. Let's get your utility bill under control.
How it works:
Calculate your Electric Cost:
Learn how to SAVE money TODAY!
Give us a call (866) 44-SOLAR (76527)
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