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Why Go Solar with Florida Solar East?


Why Go Solar with Florida Solar East?

The main reason to go solar with Florida solar East is that they are the best solar contractor near me, or in this case near you. Free electricity is just the most obvious benefit of going solar. When you go solar, you flip the switch on several benefits you may not have even thought about. Rooftop solar power gives you a lot more than just electric bill savings, although there’s no question that savings are one of the biggest benefits. This page will provide you with a better understanding of the many benefits of solar, some of which you may not be aware of.

⚡Flip the Switch on Electric Bill Savings with Florida Solar.⚡

A 9 KW Florida Solar solar panel system for a typical 2,000 square foot Florida home will produce about $61,000 worth of electricity over 25 years, the length of most solar panel power production guarantees. The panels should continue to produce electricity for 40 to 50 years. When you pay money to the power company you're literally paying them to burn fossil fuels. You're literally setting your money on fire. When you pay that same money towards the monthly installment towards your new Florida solar power system you're putting that money into the value of your home. Invest in the value of your home don't set your money on fire, call Florida solar at 1-866-447-6527 today.

Protect your budget and your family against rising ⚡electric⚡ rates.

According to the New York times U.S. residential electricity costs have increased at an average rate of about 4% per year since 1972. While that may not sound like much, an electric bill that was $40 in 1970 is $221 today, more than five times higher.

Nationally, about 21 million customers were behind on their utility bills in December, according to the latest data from the National Energy Assistance Directors Association in Washington and there is no signs of the rates slowing in their increasing costs.

Get "insurance" against rising electric rates.

Having your own rooftop solar powerplant gives you an insurance policy against unpredictable future utility rate increases. No matter how much everyone else is paying for electricity, as long as you have solar your generating that amount of electricity for the cost of the system. Beat the system with a system. A solar photovoltaic power system from Florida solar, the best solar contractor near me and you. They serve all of Florida, including Orlando.

☀️ Flip the Switch on Increasing Your Home's Value ☀️

Solar instantly increases your home’s resale value.

Independent studies show that solar power systems increase home resale values. In the largest study to date, university and government researchers found that homeowners who purchased rooftop solar power systems typically got back the entire net purchase price of their solar power systems when they sold their homes.

It also helps your home sell faster too. Another government study found that homes with rooftop solar power sold almost six months faster than similar homes in the same community without solar power.

⚡Flip the Switch on a More Secure Future⚡

Plan for retirement. If you own a solar power system, electric bills are a big household operating expense that can be substantially reduced—or almost eliminated—before you retire. Your solar panels will produce electricity for 40–50 years or more. Now is the time to get started. Stop burning your money.

Why is Florida solar East the best solar contractor near me?

Florida Solar East is the best solar contractor near me because Florida solar East understands people's hesitance to install solar on their homes. Everybody at this point understands the value that solar has for their homes, their families, their budget and the environment. It really all comes down to who you have install your solar system as to whether or not you will receive it's value, savings and quality from your solar decision. You can rest assured that Florida solar East is the best solar contractor near me because Florida solar East is family owned and operated, takes pride in the work that they do at a high level of ethical standards and a level of skill and experience that you can only have from having installed over 50,000 systems in the state of Florida.

Since 1983 they have been part of your community in Florida.

Charge your electric car for free with free solar electricity.

Not surprisingly, solar power system owners often own at least one electric car. Or plan to buy one. Just 9 to 10 solar panels will provide enough electricity to drive an electric car over 14,000 miles a year. If you take into account the amount of emissions you save from the fossil fuels you don't burn by using solar in your home and can find that with the amount of electricity that isn't burning fossil fuels if you charge your electric car from a solar electric source and you as an individual and a family can have a dramatic impact on the environment of our planet for your children and generations to come.

Start a new tradition, start the line of conscientiousness of the environment and well-being for all their generation and for all generations to. It cannot wait. Go solar with Florida solar, the best solar contractor in Florida, at 1-866-447-6527 and save the world today

Lower your home cooling costs with the best Florida Solar company out of all the best solar companys in Florida.

Solar panels are best mounted with a few inches of air space between the panels and the roof surface, creating an extra layer between your roof and the sun . In addition to keeping the panels cooler, this also allows the solar panels to act as a shade canopy for the roof. This reduces the air conditioning load (and cost) by keeping the attic a bit cooler.

We usually see extra electric bill savings of 3% to 5% just from reduced load on the air conditioning system. As the top solar contractor in Florida, Florida Solar East knows how satisfying it is to take the same sunlight that was raising your cooling costs and then using that same sunlight to power your AC. Receive the ultimate solar satisfaction from the most experienced and relatable solar company and contractor in the state of Florida. Choose Florida solar East for all your solar needs.

☀️ Flip the Switch on Sustainability with the solar Florida contractor of a lifetime, Florida Solar East ☀️

A 9 KW home solar power system produces enough electricity to avoid about 13 tons of utility powerplant carbon dioxide production each year. That’s for a coal-fired powerplant. For a natural gas-burning powerplant, over eight tons of atmospheric carbon dioxide are avoided each year. That's 16,000 lbs, and no, those numbers aren’t typos. A rooftop solar power system in Florida really does avoid several tons of atmospheric carbon dioxide each year. Knowing you are eliminating a huge chunk of your carbon footprint is a feeling that’s hard to put into words.

Flip the money saving Switch Today by calling Florida Solar East at 1-866-447-6527 or going to now.

You’ll make better use of money you’re already spending on utility electricity every month. Right now, you’re paying for utility electricity every month with nothing to show for it at the end of the month.

Wouldn’t it be better to put those very same dollars into a solar power system that produces free solar electricity, increases your home’s resale value and provides all the other benefits described above?

Switch from renting your electricity to owning your own rooftop powerplant. Get started today.

Get your Free Solar quote from Florida Solar East, the best solar contractor out of the best solar companies in Florida by clicking here or calling 1-866-447-6527.

Show your kids how to be responsible and improve their futures while feeling better about yourself and saving money.

One Place, All Your Florida Solar Needs

We’re a team of highly dedicated solar specialists whose main focus is helping homeowner’s who’ve gone solar make sure they get the most out of their solar decision. We applaud those homeowner’s who’ve made the switch and we are dedicated to making sure your system works to capacity and meets your expectations for decades to come.

Your Trusted Partners

Don’t take our word for it! With 50+ reviews and 50,000 solar panel installations in Florida, it’s clear that we know what matters in this industry—the customer.

Experienced Team

With more than two decades of Solar industry knowledge, the staff here at Florida Solar East has seen it all. We specialize in making sure that home and business owners who have gone solar, are getting what they paid for.

One Place All Your Solar Needs

We’re a team of highly dedicated solar specialists whose main focus is helping homeowner’s who’ve gone solar make sure they get the most out of their solar decision. We applaud those homeowner’s who’ve made the switch and we are dedicated to making sure your system works to capacity and meets your expectations for decades to come.

Your Trusted Partners

Don’t take our word for it! With 50+ 5-star reviews, it’s clear that we know what matters in this industry—the customer.

Experienced Team

With more than two decades of Solar industry knowledge, the staff here at Solar Service Professionals has seen it all. We specialize in making sure that home and business owners who have gone solar, are getting what they paid for.

We’ve Got You Covered

Whether you’re a homeowner, business owner, warranty company or an installation contractor, we’ve got you covered.

The best solar contractors in Florida

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15 May 2022

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